
BRUNI Biography


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Description of

"The Message"

It is September 4, 2000. While asleep, I am visited by my deceased paternal Grandmother, whom we called "Biba". She shows me a small white book, full of pictures of Mother Teresa. On the last page of the book, there is a picture of my first painting, a young African child. On the back of the book, there is a message to me, in Mother Teresas handwriting. The message is for me to paint her, with immediacy.

I had never read much about Mother Teresa, even though I was aware of her force in this world. I had no idea of when she died. That night, September 4th, I went into my studio, and began painting her at midnight, September 5th. I painted through the night, and finished in the morning of September 5th, 2000.

Then, after completing the painting, my daughter Kristina asked me if I knew when Mother Teresa had died. I replied "no". After researching the Internet, she called me back, and with much emotion, told me that Mother Teresa had made her "ascension into the light" on September 5th, 1997.

Upon further communications with my cousin in Brazil, I was astounded to find that "Biba"(my Grandmother) had also died on September 5th.




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"The Message" - 30" x 40", Oil on Canvas

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BRUNI's First Painting of Young African Child, painted when BRUNI was 16 years old



Click Here For Some Facts About Mother Teresa


Click Here To See More Paintings of Mother Teresa



BRUNI Gallery
1171 Lincoln Ave.
San Jose, CA 95125
(408) 298-4700
